3 Design Tips to Attract Gen Z Home Buyers

The traditional timeline for life’s milestones once went a little something like this: plan a wedding, buy a house, have a family. But Generation Z, or those born between 1995 and 2015, are taking an unconventional approach to the order of those milestones. Rather than saving up for their dream wedding, they’re putting money away for a down payment[1] on a house. In fact, according to a recent Homes.com survey[2], 86% of Gen Z respondents reported they plan to become homeowners one day and more than half are saving to buy a home within the next five years[3].

If you’re thinking Gen Z and millennials want the same things when it comes to home design, think again. Recognizing the differences between the wants and needs of both generations is key to a successful home design project.

Here are three tips for designing homes that will attract Generation Z buyers:


Customize, customize, customize

About 61% of Gen Z-ers[4] want a customized space, which is something they wouldn’t get with a rental. They want a say in how their home is designed – so rather than designing traditional spaces, keep rooms open and flexible for whatever a Gen Z homeowner might want to use it for. For example, they may want their bedroom to double as a home office, or might want their kitchen to not just provide culinary solutions, but offer a comfortable gathering space for entertaining friends.

Prioritize technology

With Gen Z, technology isn’t just wanted in the home – it’s expected. They don’t know life without computers, smartphones, etc. These devices have been so ingrained in their lifestyle from a young age, with the average Gen Z-er getting their first smartphone by the time they turned 12 years old[5]. Opt for smart appliances throughout the home such as ovens and washers/dryers that can be controlled right from a phone and be mindful about designing spaces that can easily accommodate connectivity. Plan for amenities like smart thermostats, lighting controls and security systems to ensure that the Gen Z homeowner is fully connected no matter where they are.


Embrace bright colors

Among the trendiest of colors is “Gen Z yellow[6]” which many are comparing to the popular rise of millennial pink. This luminous shade emulates happiness, positivity and energy and can easily be integrated through the use of kitchen appliances such as ranges. KitchenAid offers commercial style ranges in eight colors outside of the classic stainless-steel finish that allow you to design a bright space for this generation that craves color.


We have the products you need to bring your next project to life. Get in touch with us to find home solutions for every generation.

[1] https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/personalfinance/real-estate/2019/04/11/generation-z-already-saving-buy-home-bank-america-survey-says/3438279002/
[2] https://www.builderonline.com/design/consumer-trends/generation-z-seeks-diverse-neighborhoods-in-home-buying-decisions_o
[3] https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/gen-z-already-saving-planning-for-homeownership-2019-4
[4] https://www.builderonline.com/design/consumer-trends/gen-z-in-a-rush-to-homeownership_o
[5] https://www.businessinsider.com/generation-z
[6] https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/2019-color-trends-264382



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