Whirlpool Pro is your one stop for tools and resources to help you satisfy customer needs and build your business.
Whirlpool Pro is your one stop for tools and resources to help you satisfy customer needs and build your business.

Builders’ Appliance Guide
Builders’ Appliance Guide
The 2025 Builders Appliance Guide details our product and service offerings for your projects — all designed with specific target buyers and tenants in mind, to help you achieve your business goals.
The 2025 Builders Appliance Guide details our product and service offerings for your projects — all designed with specific target buyers and tenants in mind, to help you achieve your business goals.

Designing Laundry Rooms for Unique Homebuyers
Designing Laundry Rooms for Unique Homebuyers
With appliances and features for pet owners, stain-prone families, and otherunique households, today’s laundry rooms are anything but one-size-fits-all.Discover the laundry innovations that are improving life at home.
With appliances and features for pet owners, stain-prone families, and otherunique households, today’s laundry rooms are anything but one-size-fits-all.Discover the laundry innovations that are improving life at home.

2023 Sustainability Report
2023 Sustainability Report
The report highlights company progress against emissions reductions goals, sustainable innovation and investment in people and communities.
The report highlights company progress against emissions reductions goals, sustainable innovation and investment in people and communities.

Why We Do It
Why We Do It
For over 113 years, Whirlpool Corporation has stood by our customers and their communities because, like you, we're trying to make life better. Making and servicing great appliances is only the beginning of our commitment to you.
For over 113 years, Whirlpool Corporation has stood by our customers and their communities because, like you, we're trying to make life better. Making and servicing great appliances is only the beginning of our commitment to you.